Thursday, January 1, 2009



Save The Planet & Ourselves (SaTPO for short) is a non-profit grass-roots group specialized in raising awareness about the Environment, the Ecologic and Economic Crisis tied to the fundamental non-sustainability of our world like it is today organised, the GMO threat, the need for wide access to organic foods and alternative health and ways of living, and the like, and to proposing workable solutions. This type of things.

In its original form, which over the years morphed into many offsprings - including the huge NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) which today acts as the Official Certification Authority for Organic Agriculture in several European and African countries, SATPO was founded 45 years ago in Europe on September 4th, 1964, by a small group of men and women largely credited with launching the Environmental and Ecological Awareness Movement in Europe.

Until his death in 1991, these men and women were led by Andre Birre, an indefatigable researcher and organiser, who wrote the seminal book "Humus, Wealth and Health of the Earth".

Since 1964, people influenced by the like of Andre Birre, his mentors or friends such as Rudolf Steiner, Maurice Maeterlinck, Helan Jaworski, Otto Warburg, Viktor Schauberger, his collaborators such as Andre Voisin, Jean Pain, Dr Green, and many more, have spread all over the world and can be found on all continents, where they work hard, often behind the scenes, to raise awareness about the true nature and extent of the Crisis, and call the People to action.

The present blog, is the local voice for SaTPO in general, while our sister blog SaTPOMAP is dedicated to our most important current project, the MULTIMEDIA ACTION PROJECT.

We are looking for "Save The Planet" type of people to raise awareness of both the Crisis and its potential solutions with the help of cutting-edge technologies married to good old solid public relations type of approaches.

We need the help of everyone, and particularly WRITERS, ARTISTS, TALENT, IT & INTERNET SPECIALISTS, PROMOTERS, SPONSORS, etc.

Our Purpose is very simple: With the advent of Web 2.0 applications and Social Networking, there is absolutely no reason why we can't overcome the old and totally discredited corporate media - which doesn't give a damn about the true ~realities~ of the Crisis, where it comes from and why and where it is going and why, and what we all can do about it.

And if people working there in the corporate media by chance did care, and many do, they can't speak about it, because the very people who are both the causes and the profiteers of the whole mess we are in are also the very people who owns them and the media they work with, lock and barrel.

At the grass roots level, nobody owns you, at least, not directly, and not with the power to fire you if you don't censor yourself according to the Party Line. This is why this is the only level and only manner anything at all can be accomplished. As a well-known scientist once put it, don't overlook the power of an idea to change the world, in fact, it is the only thing that ever has!

We already have some valuable written material, and access or potential access to much more, but it needs to be translated into educational, promotional or awareness-raising videos, audios and movies. Into what will impact people on Social Networking.

And this must be done not only in English, but in every possible language for which reliable translators and talent can be found.

Anyone aware of the depth and urgency of the Crisis and the need for swift and resolute action to counter it can and should contribute to this effort!

Our email is the short title of this blog, SaTPOMAP, at gmail.

Please visit our sister blog SaTPO-MAP at
for a complete view of the MultiMedia Action Project!

Permalink - The permanent link for the present webpage is

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